Ranking & Accreditation
VITBS Vellore is accredited by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programmes (ACBSP), and AACSB. These international accreditations endorse the superiority of the deliverables.
Accredit the best business schools in the world.
AACSB’s accreditation quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
ACBSP ignites a standard of excellence with an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.
ACBSP assesses business programs whether they offer a rigorous educational experience and commitment to continuous quality improvement or not.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) such as colleges, universities or other recognised institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution.
Certification given by NAAC is valid for a period of five years.