Publication in Journals

  1. S.Sathish, R.Indradevi and Sreeram Gangineni (2018), “A Service Quality and its influence on Customer Satisfaction in a Multi-Speciality Hospital”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue 4S2, December, 2018,pp. 356-359. ISSN: 2277-3878.
  2. Abishek Rajkumar.S, Aravind Raghavan, A.S.Sathish, V.Samuel Rajkumar (2019). Use of Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Interview Process using the Chat Bot, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-10S, August 2019.
  3. Afjal, M. et al. (2022). Contagion effect of cryptocurrency on the securities market: a study of Bitcoin volatility using diagonal BEKK and DCC GARCH models. SN Bus Econ 2, 57. (Springer) (EBSCO and ProQuest Indexed).
  4. Afjal, M. et al. (2022). Interconnection between cryptocurrency and energy market: an analysis of volatility Spillover. OPEC Energy Review. 46(3), 287-309. (SCOPUS and ABDC Indexed).
  5. Afjal, M., et al. (2022). Investigating the impact of covid-19 pandemic on volatility patterns and its global implication for textile industry: an empirical case study for shanghai stock exchange of china. Industria Textila, 2022, 73, 4, 365–376. (SCOPUS and Web of Science Indexed)
  6. Afjal, M., et al. (2023). The dynamic impact of financial technology and energy consumption on environmental sustainability. Sustainability, 15, 9327. (SCOPUS, Q1, IF 3.889, SSCI-Indexed).
  7. Afjal, M., et. al (2021). Sentimental Analytics on Indian Big Billion Day of Flip Kart and Amazon. SN Computer Science, 2(3), 1-8. (Springer) (EBSCO and ProQuest Indexed).
  8. Afjal, M., et. al. (2018). An Efficiency Analysis of Selected Indian Oil and Gas Companies: A Window DEA Approach. IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 17(4). (ABDC Indexed). 
  9. Amiri, A.M., Kushwaha, B.P., and Mishra, A. (2023). Entrepreneurial digital spirits and consistency: Digital Plan, Digital Leadership Capability, and Implementation in SMEs. Int. J. of Business Information Systems, Inderscience Publishers, Forthcoming. (Scopus Indexed, ABDC-C).
  10. Amiri, A.M., Kushwaha, B.P., and Singh, R.K. (2023). Visualization of Global Research Trends and Future Research Directions of Digital Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises using Bibliometric Analysis, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, ISSN: 1462-6004. DOI:, Emerald Publishing (Q1, ESCI, Scopus Indexed, ABDC-C).
  11. Amiri, A.M., Kushwaha, B.P., and Singh, R.K. (2023). Visualization of Global Research Trends and Future Research Directions of Digital Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises using Bibliometric Analysis, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, ISSN: 1462- 6004. DOI:, Emerald Publishing (Q1, ESCI, Scopus Indexed, ABDC-C).
  12. Balakrishnan Ravishankar and Prabu B Christopher 2022 ECS Trans. 107 10811 DOI1149/10701.10811ecst
  13. Balakrishnan Ravishankar, Prabu B. Christopher (2020) “Impact of innovative services on customer satisfaction and enhancing tourism: Airline and hotel services from tourist perspective” Journal of Critical Reviews 7(11): 705-711. doi: 31838/jcr.07.11.126
  14. Balakrishnan Ravishankar, Prabu B. Christopher (2022) “Environmental Threats: Exploring Waste Management in the Indian Aviation Sector” ECS TransactionsVolume 107Number 1
  15. Bose, D., & Srinivasan, K. S. (2023). Mapping the Waves: A Bibliometric Analysis of Stock Market Volatility. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(2), e629.
  16. C R Sundara Rajan, ‘A review on modern and smart technologies for efficient waste disposal and management’, Journal of Environmental Management ,Science Direct  Elsevier,Volume 297, November 2021, 113347 (Scopus  Impact Factor 6.73).
  17. C R Sundara Rajan, ‘Gut microbiome and metabolic response in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’, Clinica Chimica Acta ,Science Direct, Elsevier , (Scopus Impact Factor 3.52).
  18. C R Sundara Rajan, “Consumer Perception and Influencing Factors on Ayurveda Treatment Preference with Special Reference to Tamilnadu”, Economic Challenger (ISSN 0975-1351), No:20, Vol. 77, October-December 2017 (Single Author).
  19. Chandrika, P.V. & Sakthi Srinivasan, K (2020), “Application of Deep Learning Techniques on Stock Market Indices”, Journal of Critical Review, 7(10), July 2173-2180
  20. Chandrika, P.V., Sakthi Srinivasan, K (2020), “Long Short-Term Memory Deep Network and Machine Learning Approach in one-day ahead Stock Market Prediction”, Journal of Critical Review, 7(10), July 
  21. Consumer perception towards organic food products –Vellore city, Tamil Nadu. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Vol:23, Issue:4,Pg.369-380 (2017)
  22. Das, M, and Jena, L.K. Tourism and COVID-19: A Critical Call for Hunar Se Rojgar Yojana, Indian Express, Bhubaneswar Edition, 28th August, 2020.
  23. Das, M. and Chatterjee, B. (2018). Livelihood in Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, India: An Impact Assessment of Ecotourism Practices. The Singapore Economic Review, 63(1), 1-29.
  24. Das, M., and Chatterjee, B. (2020). Community Empowerment and Conservation through Ecotourism: A Case of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India. Tourism Review International, 24(4), 215-231.
  25. Das, M., and Chatterjee, B. (2022). Das, M., & Chatterjee, B. (2023). Ecotourism a solution or deception for conservation: A case of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 6(3), 1380-1399.
  26. Dawra, A., Vohra, P., Kushwaha, B.P., Ruhil, M., Chandel, A. (2023). Past, Present, and Future of Research on Global Poverty: A Retrospective Review Using Bibliometric Analysis, Int. J. of Business Excellence, Inderscience Publishers, Forthcoming Issue. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2023.10057652 (Scopus Indexed)
  27. Dineshbabu, M., Kushwaha, B.P. (2023). Workforce Creativity and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: A Systematic Review, Retrospection and Future Research Dimensions, Int. J. of Process Management and Benchmarking, DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2023.10057282, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed)
  28. D. Ashok, Dr. V. Selvam & Dr. Indradevi, 2018, Measuring women awareness and Access to various schemes to promote women Entrepreneurship, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), IAEME Publication, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 506–513.
  29. D.Dilip, Dr.S.Vinoth (2018), “Brand Preference Of Pre-Owned Cars – With Special Reference To Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu”, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Vol 7, Issue 8,August-18.
  30. D.Dilip, Mrs.R. Devika (2019), “A study On Professional Ethics Among School Teachers With Special Reference To Coimbatore District”, Research Explorer- A Blind Review Quarterly International Journal, Volume 7, Issue 23, April-May 2019.
  31. D.Dilip,D. S.Vinoth and Mrs T. Jayashree (2018)  An Exploration of Factors Influencing Pre-Owned Car Purchasing Decisions – A Study With Special Reference To Coimbatore District, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Issue 4 (XII),October – December 2018.
  32. D.Dilip,D.S.Vinoth and Mrs T.Jayashree(2018),”GST: Consumers Awareness And Adoption – A Study”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies, Volume 7, Issue 5, September-2018.
  33. Uma Warrier, Dr.D.Dilip, Heena Jain and kakul Agha (2021) Dimensions of Psychological well-being and subjective Happiness in the new normal : An Exploration,  FIIB Business Review, Sage Publication 2021.  DOI: 10.1177/23197145211062975.
  34. Evaluation of the Status, Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress among Faculty Members of Self Financing Colleges. World Journal of Management and Economics, 1819-8643(P), 15 (4), 130-144 (2022)
  35. Factors impacting Succession Planning of select Private Sector Banks in Coimbatore District. World Journal of Management and Economics, 1819-8643(P), Vol 15, Special Issue 01,11-21 (2022)
  36. Ghosh, D., & Mondal, S. (2017). An integrated production-distribution planning with transshipment between warehouses. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 9(1), 23-36.
  37. Ghosh, D., & Mondal, S. (2018). An integrated production-distribution planning of dairy industry–a case study. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 30(2), 225-245.
  38. Ghosh, D., & Mondal, S. (2018). An integrated production-distribution planning of dairy industry–a case study. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 30(2), 225-245.
  39. Ramaseshan and Syed Khalid Perwez (2017), “The Role of Employee Engagement in the Relationship between Emotional and Social Competencies and Employee Intent to Quit: A Conceptual Perspective”, Man in India, Serial Publications, Vol. 97(4), April, 2017. (ISSN: 0025-1569, Page No- 125-134). (Scopus Indexed & UGC Care Listed).
  40. Hasan, N.; Singh, A.; Agarwal, M.; Kushwaha, B.P. (2022). Evaluating the Role of Microfinance Institutions in Enhancing the Livelihood of Urban Poor, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Emerald Insight Publishers, ISSN: 1026-4116., Emerald Publishing (WoS & ABDC-C).
  41. ICISAT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 624. Springer, Cham. Ghosh, D., & Mondal, S. (2017). An integrated production-distribution planning with transshipment between warehouses. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 9(1), 23-36.
  42. IMPACT OF COVID- 19 PANDEMIC ON DIGITAL PAYMENTS IN INDIA: A STUDY, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol. 28, No. 03, 2022, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.02.059 (ABDC-C Listed Publication)
  43. Jayender, R.P., Gosh, D. (2023). Intelligent Decision Support System of Big Data and IOT Analytics Interoperability with ERP Promoting SCM Sustainability in Automotive. In: Laouar, M.R., Balas, V.E., Lejdel, B., Eom, S., Boudia, M.A. (eds) 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022”.
  44. Jayender, R.P., Gosh, D. (2023). Intelligent Decision Support System of Big Data and IOT Analytics Interoperability with ERP Promoting SCM Sustainability in Automotive. In: Laouar, M.R., Balas, V.E., Lejdel, B., Eom, S., Boudia, M.A. (eds) 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022”. ICISAT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 624. Springer, Cham.
  45. Job Satisfaction of Engineering Faculty Members in a Private University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9 (5), 454–465 (2018)
  46. Jose, E.M.K., and Kushwaha, B.P. (2023). The Dark Side of Organization Identification: Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis on Toxic Leadership on Employee’s Behaviour. Int. J. of Process Management and Benchmarking, Inderscience Publishers, Forthcoming Issue. (Scopus Indexed, ABDC-B).
  47. Harikrishnan &  D. Ashok, 2014, A study on psychological modeling of market maven for marketing operations with special reference to Indian market (SCOPUS), Intentional Journal of Business Excellence, Interscience publishers, Vol.7, No.4, pp.473 – 498.
  48. Kandoth, S., & Shekhar, S. K. (2022). Media and COVID-19 vaccine negligence in India. Media Asia, 49(1), 58-61. [Scopus] 
  49. Kandoth, S., & Shekhar, S. K. (2022). Recruitment marketing- A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7(2), e0431. [Scopus] 
  50. Kandoth, S., & Shekhar, S. K. (2022). Social influence and intention to use AI: the role of personal innovativeness and perceived trust using the parallel mediation model. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia,10 (3),131-150. [Scopus]
  51. Kareem, S. A., & Venugopal, P. (2023). Examining the relationship between gastronomic experience, revisit intention, destination image and destination brand love: A moderating role of cewebrity reviews. Leisure/Loisir, 1-27. 
  52. Kareem, S. A., & Venugopal, P. (2023). Social media influencers’ traits and purchase intention: A moderated mediation effect of attitude towards brand credibility and brand familiarity. FIIB Business Review, 231971452311622. 
  53. Kathiravan, C., Selvam, M., Kannaiah, D., Lingaraja, K., & Thanikachalam, V. (2019). On the relationship between weather and Agricultural Commodity Index in India: a study with reference to Dhaanya of NCDEX. Quality & Quantity, 53, 667-683. (Springer and Scopus & ABDC “B”) 
  54. Kathiravan, C., Selvam, M., Maniam, B., & Dharani, M. (2021). Effect of weather on stock market: A literature review and research agenda. Cogent Economics & Finance, 9(1), 1971353. (Taylor & Francis, and SCOPUS & ABDC-B)
  55. Kathiravan, C., Selvam, M., Maniam, B., Dana, L. P., & Babu, M. (2023). The Effects of Crude Oil Price Surprises on National Income: Evidence from India. Energies, 16(3), 1148. (Scopus and Q1 & JCR IF 3.2) 
  56. Kathiravan, C., Selvam, M., Maniam, B., Venkateswar, S., & Sigo, M. O. (2021). Does temperature influence the carbon index? Evidences from India. Journal of Public Affairs, 21(1), e2117. (Wiley and Scopus & ABDC “B”, JCR IF: 2.6). 
  57. Kathiravan, C., Selvam, M., Venkateswar, S., & Balakrishnan, S. (2021). Investor behavior and weather factors: evidences from Asian region. Annals of Operations Research, 299, 349-373. (Springer and Scopus & ABDC “A”, JCR IF: 4.8)  
  58. Kavitha T.C & D Ashok, 2015, ICT: An enabler and a catalyst to nurture service quality in Higher Education – A review, International Journal of emerging Research in Management & Technology, Vol 4 issue 2, PP: 38 – 43.
  59. Kavitha T.C & D Ashok, 2017, Technology Readiness and Acceptance in Higher Education for Technology Enabled Teaching-Learning Process-A Conceptual Framework,  International journal of Applied Business and Economics Research, Vol 14 Issue 4, pp. 45-54. 
  60. Kesavan, V., & Srinivasan, K. S. (2023). Present State and Future Directions of Digital Payments System: A Historical and Bibliographic Examination. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(6), e02317.
  61. Kumar, K. L., Venugopal, P., Devi, S. A., Aswinipriya, S., & Rao, C. V. (2023). Instagram influencers credibility dimensions and purchase intention of followers: Empirical evidence. Studies in Media and Communication, 11(1), 12. 
  62. Kundu, G.K. and Perwez, S.K. (2022), “ISM-MICMAC Approach for Analysis of Project-Based Learning Barriers”. Journal of International Education in Business, 15(1), pp. 9-31, April, 2022. (ISSN: 2046-469X). (ABDC- C, Scopus Indexed & UGC Care Listed Journal),
  63. Kushwaha, B.P. (2018). Sustainable offering practices through stakeholder’s engagement. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development, 3(1), February, 3-9. ISSN: 2456 – 4478. 
  64. Kushwaha, B.P. (2021). Investigating the Role of Consumers Participation in Social Media Marketing Communications and Consumer Loyalty in the Tourism Industry, Int. J. of Business Information Systems, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10039692, Forthcoming Issue, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus, ABDC-‘C’).
  65. Kushwaha, B.P. (2021). Paradigm Shift in Traditional Lifestyle to Digital Lifestyle in Gen Z: A Conception of Consumer Behaviour in Virtual Business World, Int. J. of Web Based Communities, 17(4), 305-320. DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2021.10039954, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus, Q2, ABDC-‘B’)
  66. Kushwaha, B.P. (2021). Paradigm Shift in Traditional Lifestyle to Digital Lifestyle in Gen Z: A Conception of Consumer Behaviour in Virtual Business World, Int. J. of Web Based Communities, 17(4), 305-320. DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2021.10039954, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus, Q2, ABDC-‘B’)
  67. Kushwaha, B.P., Kaur, G., Singh, N., and Sharma, A. (2022). Integrating Employees, Customers and Technology to Build an Effective Sustainable Marketing Strategy, International Journal of Sustainable Society, 14(4), 310-322, DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2022.10052817, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed).
  68. Kushwaha, B.P., Shiva, A., and Tyagi, V. (2023). How Investors’ Financial Well-Being Influences Enterprises and Individual’s Psychological Fitness? Moderating Role of Experience under Uncertainty, Sustainability, 15(2), 1699; (SCI, PUBLICATIONS: Scopus Indexed (23), ABDC ‘B (4), ‘C’ (6), Web of Science (3) Scopus, Q1, IF: 3.88)
  69. Kushwaha, B.P., Singh, R.K. and Tyagi, V. (2021). Investigating Privacy Paradox: Consumer Data Privacy Behavioural Intention and Disclosure Behaviour, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 25(1), 1-10. (ABCD- ‘B’).
  70. Kushwaha, B.P., Singh, R.K. and Varghese, N. (2020). Building a Sustainable Relationship between Customers and Marketers. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Forthcoming Issue, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed). 
  71. Kushwaha, B.P., Singh, R.K., Tyagi, V., and Choudhary, B.P. (2022). How to Empower Women? Modelling the Factors Increasing Women’s Entrepreneurial Intention, Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1751-0260. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049399, Forthcoming Issue, Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed).
  72. Kushwaha, B.P., Singh, R.K., Varghese, N. and Singh, V.N. (2020). Integrating social media and digital media as new elements of integrated marketing communication for creating brand equity. Journal of Content, Community and Communication, 11(6), 52-64. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.06.20/05 (Scopus Indexed)
  73. Kushwaha, B.P., Singh, R.K., Varghese, N. and Singh, V.N. (2020). Integrating social media and digital media as new elements of integrated marketing communication for creating brand equity. Journal of Content, Community and Communication, 11(6), 52-64. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.06.20/05 (Scopus Indexed)
  74. Kushwaha, B.P., Tyagi, V, and Shiva, A. (2021). Investigating the role of reinforcement and environmental factors in balancing the state of apprehension: evidence from India. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 17(2/3): 142-160., Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed).
  75. Kushwaha, B.P., Tyagi, V. and Singh, R.K. (2021). Impact of Message Design on Display Ads Involvement and Effectiveness: An Evidence from India, Int. J. of Management Practice, 15(4), 532-547. DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2022.10048747, Inderscience Publishers. (Scopus Indexed).
  76. Kushwaha, B.P., Tyagi, Vikas, Sharma, P. B. and Singh, R.K. (2022). Mediating Role of Growth Needs and Job Satisfaction on Talent Sustainability in BPOs and Call Centers. Journal of Public Affairs, 22, e2400. (Scopus Indexed, Q2, ABDC ‘B’)
  77. Kushwaha, B.P., Tyagi, Vikas, Sharma, P. B. and Singh, R.K. (2022). Mediating Role of Growth Needs and Job Satisfaction on Talent Sustainability in BPOs and Call Centers. Journal of Public Affairs, 22, e2400. (Scopus Indexed, Q2, ABDC ‘B’)
  78. Kushwaha, Dr. B.P. & Tiwari, Dr. D.N. (2018). Demonetization and digital initiative for inclusive social and financial growth. Kaav International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Business Management, 5(1), 34-38. ISSN: 2348 – 4969. 
  79. Lathabhavan, R., & Padhy, P. C. (2022). Role of fear of COVID-19 in the relationship of problematic internet use and stress: A retrospective cohort study among Gen X, Y and Z. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 67(102937), 102937.
  80. Lathabhavan, R., & Padhy, P. C. (Eds.). (2023). Community mental health and well-being in the new normal. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies. IGI Global.
  81. Lathabhavan, R., Joy, G. V., & Sudevan, S. (2023). Mental Health Concerns of Dowry Harassment Survivors in India: A Multi-Level Mixed Method Study. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 28(2), 179-181. DOI:10.1080/15325024.2022.2062904
  82. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K., Why purchase generic medicine? A theory of planned behavior perspective (2023). Global Business and Organizational Excellence.
  83. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K.,Ascertaining service quality and medical practitioners’ sensitivity towards surgical instruments using SERVQUAL (2021), Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28 (1), pp. 370-405.
  84. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K.,Ecological, green marketing and green supply chain problems-fish marketing societies in Tamilnadu coastal areas (2017). International Journal of Business Excellence13(4), 546-562.
  85. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K.,Examining the comprehensive relationship between customer trust and social media purchase: a bibliometric review and directions for future research (2023). International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets15(2), 157-174.
  86. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K.,The antecedents of marketing success of women entrepreneurs (2013). International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 7(6), 637-662.
  87. Malathi, A., & Mohamed Jasim, K.,Validating the relationship between service quality, patient sensitivity and experience towards medical applications using SERVQUAL (2022). International Journal of Medical Informatics168, 104883.
  88. Mohanan, M., & Shekhar, S. K. (2021). A study on the mediating effect of FoMO on social media (Instagram) induced travel addiction and risk taking travel behavioural intention in youth. Journal of content, community and communication, 14(7), 57-67. [Scopus] 
  89. Mohanan, M., & Shekhar, S. K. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of publications on wellness tourism. Turyzm/Tourism, 32(2), 69–86. [ Scopus] 
  90. Mohanan, M., & Shekhar, S. K. (2022). Social media and the dowry system in Kerala. Media Asia, 49(1), 88-91. [Scopus] 
  91. Mohanty, S. and Christopher, B.P. (2023), “A study on role of gamification elements in training outcomes: comparing the mediating effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 480-500-
  92. Murugavel R, 2015, Quality management in information system development units – An empirical study, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol:10, Issue: 18, Pg.No (38671-38678),
  93. Murugavel R, 2017, Information systems software quality: An overview, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol:8, Issue: 9, Pg.No (205-225)
  94. Navaneethakrishnan K, and A. S. Sathish (2018), “Brand relationship through Brand reputation and Brand tribalism with reference to Apple iPhone users”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control System, Vol.10, 01-Special issue, 2018,pp.82-89. ISSN 1943-023X. 
  95. Navaneethakrishnan K, and A. S. Sathish (2020), “It all about brand love- expressing through purchase intention, brand trust and brand attitude”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol.7, 04, 2020, pp.313-318. ISSN 2394-5125. (Scopus Indexed)
  96. Navaneethakrishnan K, and A. S. Sathish (2020), “It all about brand love- expressing through purchase intention, brand trust and brand attitude”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol.7, 04, 2020, pp.313-318. ISSN 2394-5125. 
  97. , Pushparaj., and Kushwaha, B.P. (2023). Communicate your audience through Virtual Influencer: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Content, Community & Communication, 17(June), 31-45. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.06.23/04 (Scopus Indexed).
  98. Sridevi, Manoraj Natarajan and Vedanthachari, Lakshmi Narasimhan, “Examining customer’s intention to rely on online reviews”, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising,Vol.16 No.4, pp.369 – 393 (2022).
  99. Sridevi, Manoraj Natarajan and Vedanthachari, Lakshmi Narasimhan (2021), Consumer confusion and its consequential outcome towards online review: The mediated role of emotional ambivalence and cognitive dissonance”, International Journal of Business Information Systems 2022,( In press) 
  100. V. Chandrika, K. Sakthi Srinivasan (2021). “Predicting Stock Market Movements Using Artificial Neural Networks”. Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9(3), 405 – 410. DOI: 10.13189/ujaf.2021.090315
  101. V.Chandrika, K.Visalakshmi and Sakthi Srinivasan, K, (2020), “Application of Hidden Markov Models in Stock Trading”, 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), pp.1144-1146
  102. Padhy, P. C., “Emotional Intelligence: An Inhibitor for Cultural Disruptions in India Inc.”- ANVESHAK- International Journal of Management (ISSN: 2278: 8913)- January 2018: Page- 88 to 97.
  103. Padhy, P. C., “Entrepreneurial Culture in MSMEs: A step towards Good Governance” in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), ISSN: 2454- 9150 Vol-05, Issue-06, Sep 2019, Page-77 to 80. 
  104. Padhy, P. C., “Entrepreneurial Eco-System: A Catalyst to Engineer the Tech-Firms” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) – IJRAR (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138)- June 2019: Page-491 to 496.
  105. Padhy, P. C., “Paradigm Shift in Entrepreneurship Education for Sustainable Development” in Journal of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-6735, Volume 22, Volume 22 Issue 11, November – 2020.
  106. Padhy, P. C., “Redesigning Knowledge Management through Corporate Sustainability Strategy in the Post-Pandemic Era” in Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023) 2350008 (25 pages), World Scientific Publishing Co., DOI: 10.1142/S0219649223500089 .
  107. Padhy, P. C., “Role of fear of COVID-19 in the relationship of problematic internet use and stress: A retrospective cohort study among Gen X, Y, and Z” in “Asian Journal of Psychiatry” 67 (2022) 102937.
  108. Padhy, P. C., “Talent Management Aspects Augmenting Bank Performances in Indian Banking Scenario” in Journal of Critical Reviews having ISSN 2394-5125, VOL 7, ISSUE 15, Aug 2020.
  109. Padhy, P. C., & Lathabhavan, R. (2023). Redesigning Knowledge Management through corporate sustainability strategy in the post-pandemic era. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 22(03).
  110. Pandey, N., Bhatnagar, M., & Ghosh, D. (2021). An analysis of critical success factors towards sustainable supply chain management–in the context of an engine manufacturing industry. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 14(6), 1496-1508.
  111. Pandey, N., Bhatnagar, M., & Ghosh, D. (2021). An analysis of critical success factors towards sustainable supply chain management–in the context of an engine manufacturing industry. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 14(6), 1496-1508.
  112. Paul, G. R., Perwez, S. K. (2023) “Influence of quality of work life on psychological capital of organizational leaders using artificial neural networks: a study on learning in hybrid workplace”. The Learning Organization, 30(5), pp. 630–647, May, 2023. (ISSN: 0969-6474) (ABDC- C & Scopus Indexed). DOI:
  113. Paul, G. R., Perwez, S. K. (2023) “Mindful Organizations: a Bibliometric Study to Provide Insights into the Interplay Between Mindfulness and Psychological Capital in the Workplace”. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(3), pp. 1-15, April, 2023. (ISSN:2525-3654) (Scopus Indexed). DOI:
  114. Perwez, S.K. (2021), “Work Stress on High and Low Risk Job Workers: A Comparative Analysis”, Empirical Economics Letters, Volume: 20(7). July, 2021. (ISSN: 1681-8997, Page No- 1139-1146). (Web of Science, ABDC-C).
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